Here are some California spots recommended by others that I have not had a chance to check out:
- Stanislaus National Forest, along creek: 38°13’03.7″N 119°58’38.2″W (recommended by Elizabeth D).
- Matthews Creek, Klamath National Forest
- Shasta Trinity NF, by Mumbo Lake- several spots along the lake. More nearby just off the main road.
(41°11’29.6″N 122°30’41.6″W) - Lost Coast in King Range NCA, several unofficial sites with fire rings along both sides of the road. (40.289363, -124.350866)
- Lassen NF, several large dispersed sites that can easily take an RV (40.616149, -121.469387)
- Stanislaus NF, quite a few sites at the South Fork campground and dispersed sites along Lumsden and Forest Road 1N10 (37.837451, -120.045488)
- BLM Campground 30 minutes south of Pinnacles NP, two others within 10-15 minutes. (36.366865, -120.828934)
Here are some spots that are fine if you need to spend a night:
- Alleghany Ridge: 39°27’58.0″N 120°53’28.4″W (great views!!)