Name: Flat forest area near Mammoth/June Lake
Location: 37º 44′ 44″ N, 118º 58′ 01″ W
Just .5 miles off 395, less than 30 minutes to Silver Lake, Mammoth, Convict Lake, and more.
Distance to drinking water: .5 files to rest area.
Hot Springs nearby? Hot Creek, 20 min drive (did not go there, yet)
4×4 or high clearance vehicle required? No
Privacy level: about 8 popular spots, each about 30-50 yards apart. More spaces up side roads.
Camp Fires allowed: Yes
Toilets? No, but rest area .5 miles away.
Elevation: 7000′
How many vehicles per site? 3-4
How many good, flat tent spots per site? several
Trailer Friendly: Yes
Nearby Hikes: Many great hikes! I did the Mammoth Crest Trail, which was fantastic!
Other notes: Really fun OHV trails, most wide enough for the truck. Not rocky, so can go pretty fast.
Views from Mammoth Crest Hike:
Convict Lake: