Name: San Martin Top, Los Padres National Forest
Location: 35°52’35.7″N 121°24’39.8″W
Distance to drinking water: 10 miles or so
Hot Springs nearby? no
Swimming hole nearby? no
4×4 or high clearance vehicle required? No, but ground is soft, so good tires are needed.
Privacy level (Will there by anyone else nearby ?): Fair
Camp Fires allowed: Winter only
Toilets: None.
Elevation: 3000ft
How many vehicles per site: 1-2
How many good, flat tent spots per site:1-2
Trailer Friendly? Not really.
Nearby Hikes: None
other notes: There are 6-8 sites scattered around the top of the hill, 2 of which have amazing views. Walk down the road with the gate for a great sunset view.